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If you know aught which does behove my knowledge / Thereof to be inform’d, imprison’t not / In ignorant concealment.
— Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, employing the "anything" sense of aught.

Writers today may be less likely to use aught than were their literary predecessors, but the pronoun does continue to turn up occasionally.

Although use of the word aught to refer to zero is not widespread in the United States, the use of aughts to identify the decade became common there. Aught can also be a noun meaning "zero," and "the aughts" is heard occasionally for the decade at the beginning of a century (say, 1900-1909 or 2000-2009) in which the penultimate digit is a zero.

The aughts (American English) or noughties (British English) are terms referring to the decade 2000 to 2009. These arise from the words aught and nought respectively, both meaning zero.


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